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Workshopreihe mit Jared McCann


*Only few spots left for JM VINYASA on Saturday Nov 24th, 17:30. All other workshops: Waiting list on request

Take your personal yoga practice to the next level. Learn and be inspired by one of the most accomplished yogis worldwide! Jared McCann is an international yoga teacher, two-time U.S.A. Yoga Champion and the 2013 World Yoga Asana Champion. He is the founder of Lighthouse Yoga School in Brooklyn, New York, and leads workshops and teacher trainings around the world. Jared McCann Yoga classes blend different styles of modern and classical yoga to create an energizing, comprehensive, complete practice.


Friday, November 23rd 18:30-21:30* "Backbending Your Entire Spine"

This 3 hour workshop focuses on backbending techniques designed to heal, open, and strengthen your entire spine. The workshop begins with a strong vinyasa sequence that includes abdominal exercises, standing postures, and inversions. After the warm up, we will flow into classical backbending postures with an interactive lecture focusing on alignment and technique.

This session Friday 18:30 is sold out. Waiting list on request.


Saturday, November 24th 12:30-15:30 OR 17:30-20:30* "JM Signature Vinyasa Flow"

This workshop is built around Jared’s signature open level vinyasa class. Jared McCann Vinyasa classes aim to break attachments, create energy, vitality, and purify both mind and body. Breathing becomes a meditation and is utilized to create space from the inside out. Jared’s class blends many styles of yoga including Ashtanga, Bikram, Iyengar, Forrest, and Dharma yoga. JM Vinyasa bridges gaps in yoga traditions, and creates a practice that is modern, accessible, and allows practitioners to learn from all styles.

The session Saturday 12:30 is sold out. Waiting list on request. Few spots available for Saturday 17:30


Sunday, November 25th 12:00-15:00 "Inversions & Arm Balances"

This workshop begins with a fun and challenging vinyasa sequence and transitions into a breakdown of different arm balances and inversion postures. The overall concept of Bandhas (energy locks) will be explained but we will focus primarily on Amsa Bandha - the shoulder lock, and Hasta Bandha - the hand lock. Students will first practice incorporating the locks in easier arm balance variations and then will have the option to apply them to more difficult asanas.

This session Sunday 12:00 is sold out. Waiting list on request.

  • Die Workshops sind offen für alle Levels

  • Plätze sind limitiert!

  • Voranmeldung/Warteliste: , oder direkt zum Online-Shop

  • Workshopgebühr:

  • 1 Workshop: 40€ (falls Wartelistenplätze frei werden: 2 WS 70€, 3 WS 90€)

(Alle Preise inkl. 19% MwSt. Dein Platz ist erst nach Zahlungseingang verbindlich reserviert. Kursbeiträge können nicht zurückerstattet werden.)

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