Ardha Chandrasana in Cologne

Dandayamana Dhanurasana in Cologne

Handstand Hollowback Backbend at a pillar in the studio

Matsyasana at the window in the yoga studio

Forearm Stand Alin and Aya

Aya doing advanced balancing stick in Cologne at night

Alin in 4 different spots and poses in our studio hallway

Alin seemingly levitating in one armed handstand

Aya doing dandayamana dhanurasana on the frozen Aachener Weiher lake

Meditating in the winter sun

Aya in a deep backbend in the studio hallway

Hands to feet pose with christmas lights

Aya doing pigeon (Taube) ad Rathenauplatz

Anna and Ingmar playing yoga at the studio

Aya in headstand under blossoming cherry trees

Aya in preparation for dancers pose at the Kirmes Köln

Aya in standing bow pose at Kirmes Deutz

Everett doing pushup L-Sit at the studio

Aya in Pigeon at the Kölner Dom

Alin stretching in beautiful sunlight at the studio window

Compass pose at Kölner Dom

Chris in standing bow at the studio

Aya in Chinstand at the studio

Maggie in Janusirasana

Maggie in Spine Twist Pose

Aya stretching in the studio hallway

Aya doing Dancers Pose Between Trains

Aya doing Head to knee at the beach

Aya doing up dog


Alin in Halfmoon

space ship yoga

Maggie in Standing Bow